Just-In-Time Feature

Using the in time feature for setting time availability for your webinar.

Updated over a week ago

The "In-Time" registration setting is found on the front EVENT INFO tab --> Advanced settings. 

In-Time registration can be set to 15 minutes / 30 minutes / 45 minutes or hourly. 

** There is only ONE In-Time registration per webinar. All other times fall behind the first setting of In-Time.**

15 In-Time
10am hard setting
2pm hard setting
7pm hard setting
Advanced Setting: Number of schedules available for registration - can be set to 3

EXAMPLE Above will show: (Assume it is 11:58am in your time zone)
You would see 3 times available.
12:00pm (In-Time)

Please watch this to understand our just in time feature and create yourself a Right On Time Registration for your webinar.

  • Just In Time does not work with the old WordPress 4.2.10 plugin. 

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